What you will need
quilling paper in purple and pink. i have used 3mm width
cream coloured paper
purple sparkly paper
and a tall thin cream card blank
Pva glue
paintbrush (old)
double sided tape
quilling tool but not really necessary
first of all cut the quilling strips in half so that you have 17 purple and 9 pink.
Following the steps in the post how to coil make all strips into loose coils all roughly the same size.
forgive me i haven't got a scanner yet so I'm photographing the pattern. here it is
just click on the picture to make it full size so you can print it.
some people like to use patterns when quilling so that they get perfect size and shape. they are particularly useful when pining coils into position.
I will give a demonstration on that another day.
right back to the card.
To make a perfect petal shape you should squeeze together one side of the coil. some say it is best to squeeze where the join is but it doesn't really matter.
Rememberleave 2 pink and 1 purple unsqueezed as they will make up the center of the flowers.
Start gluing the flowers together by dabbing a spot of pva glue onto the bottom of the pink petals and stick to the flower center.
Massive tip: when sticking the pieces together make sure you lay the pieces on a flat surface and tap gently on the top
This is when the pattern comes into good use as you can lay the pieces on top of the pattern. sorry all the pattern is not at the right scale i will play around and correct it later.
I have glued each flower onto a 4.5x4.5cm square of cream paper.
basically all I do is pour a small amount of pva onto a sheet of plastic (a piece of none printed carrier bag is ideal) then i just gently dip the whole flower into the glue and dab of some of the excess glue before sticking it to the card.
Too much glue and the card will buckle, but too little and the flower will fall.
it might be best just to glue each separate piece of the purple flower to the cream paper. otherwise it could get annoyingly messy.
Once you have all three of your flowers ready you can move on to step two
Take the purple sparkly paper and cut that into a 5x16cm rectangle.
This can be stuck down to the center of the card blank using double sided tape.
and finish by sticking the flowers on top. also using double sided tape.
you may choose to change the layout to add text to the front of the card. which leaves you one flower spare for perhaps a gift tag.
Hope you enjoyed this tutorial.
please give me any comments on how i can improve or what else you might like added.
if you have any queries then don't be afraid to ask.
thank you for your tutorial..happy quilling for you..:)
wow! very nice work and turorial.
Lovely work....i am truly looking out for more tutorials from you :). This is the first tutorial i've read about quilling(infact i never knew of this existence even), but it made me jumpstart.
God Bless!
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